Sunday, February 2, 2014

Obsession turned hobby/don't hand me a tin foil hat yet

I'm obsessed with zombies.

There, it's out on the table. Now, before you hand me a tin foil hat and a straight jacket, let me explain.

Everybody is afraid of something. Don't tell me "No, I'm not afraid of anything" because then you're a big fat liar. Everybody is afraid of something. Whether or not it's a rational fear is a different story. I'll be the first to admit my fear is very irrational. To date (and to my knowledge) there have been no zombie sightings or zombie plague outbreak, so I'll be the first to admit my fear is completely unfounded.

However, we all know someone (if it's not you already) who is afraid of something irrational. Sample a few fears below: 
The lump under the covers you don't remember being there before

Your reflection

Evil clowns
If you have an irrational fear of any of these things and are now traumatized, I apologize. If you didn't have an irrational fear of these things and you do now, I am equally sorry. You just need to understand my genuine fear of zombies. Sure, I'm a full grown adult and can rationalize to myself how silly being afraid of zombies is, but that doesn't get rid of my fear.

So I'm trying something new. Rather than trying rationality, I'm going to try being prepared instead. I started thinking to myself, learning new things never hurt anybody right? What if zombie apocalypse skills every come in handy in real life, then it'll will have only benefited me, right? The more I thought about it, the more I realized that learning survival skills actually might turn out to be a potentially useful and healthy hobby, so why not pick it up? The whole zombie aspect of learning these skills would just be an additional detail to incorporate into my skill set. Easy-peasy!

So there you have it. Zombie Apocalypse Survival Girl was born. My wonderful and loving husband has graciously agreed not to deem me crazy and actually support my desire to learn! The only stipulation was that I wasn't allowed to reallocate funds from our household budget to feed my new hobby, which works out great given that you should be able to learn and prepare yourself on as small a budget as possible. People with big fat bank accounts can't be the only ones who survive the zombie apocalypse.

Thus, I am embarking on a journey to learn everything I could possibly need to know when facing surviving a zombie infested world, ranging from siphoning gas from vehicles to makeshift weapons to basic gardening and foraging, all on a budget and with as much makeshift tools as possible.

To add icing on the cake I'm taking you along with me. :)

Okay so maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration...but you get the drift.

Here begins the chronicles of Zombie Apocalypse Survival Girl. Wish me luck.

...and if things get too out of hand keep that tin foil hat on stand by.

scientia potentia est

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